Varicose veins in the legs: symptoms, treatment

This is the reason why anyone who encountered such a problem, it is important to know the reasons for varicose veins, his speeches, and, most importantly, learn the best methods of treatment of this disease.

varicose veins on the legs

General information

Large varicose veins is a chronic disease of the blood vessels, which develops as a result of stagnation of blood (often in the lower extremities). This happens due to insolvency of the heart valves, which are in the normal state transmits only blood up from the lower extremities toward the heart. The blood that has long it is worth it puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels, thereby dwindling, they lose their elasticity and deformed, greatly extends the. On the feet of such sick to the naked eye can observe the writhing "snake" of blood vessels, which rises above the skin, and in some places forms a venous "nodes".

The reasons for varicose veins

The reasons for the development of this disease is quite a lot. In particular, the varicose veins can lead:

  1. "Bad heredity". With varicose veins facing persons who have a congenital weakness of the valve apparatus or inflammation of the vascular walls.
  2. The increase in venous pressure. Very often the this disease are leading factors that pressure, and that is the reason, pregnancy, obesity, a permanent vertical load (when one day standing on his feet), sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work).
  3. Intake of hormonal means. Some hormonal preparations, in particular birth control pills with a high content of estrogen, provokes a thickening of the blood, and can lead to varicose veins.
  4. Violation of the circulation of the blood. Data defects may occur due to weak physical activity, smoking, wearing too narrow footwear, or chronic constipation.
  5. Hormonal disorders associated with age-related changes in the body.

Manifestations and complications of the disease

Doctors point out that varicose vein is not so bad by itself, how dangerous its complications. Indeed, in the first stages of development of the disease-enlargement of the subcutaneous veins of the presents to man an aesthetic problem (they suffer especially women). First, the skin appears the vascular mesh — the so-called "sites". A person when it begins to feel heaviness in the legs appear edema of the limbs and pain during walking. It's important symptoms of varicose veins, which in any case shall not remain without attention. If a person is not in a hurry to go to the doctor and find out the cause of the disease, threatens to run the varices and run into a problem that cannot be resolved without surgery.

With the development of varicose veins is the skin in the area of the lower limb is sealed, and acquires a cyanotic hue. Caviar the patient will begin to "cry" even taking a short walk, but under the skin it is possible to notice the swollen veins. Moreover, with time, these veins become very painful.

But this is only the beginning of serious health problems. If a person begins to struggle with the available disease in the skin, the affected veins, start to happen irreversible changes, and later appear trophic ulcers. In addition, without treatment of the inner walls of the vein to become inflamed and provoke the formation of blood clots. So develops thrombophlebitis. Increased, blood clots prefer the lumen of the vein, and in every moment of the clot can break away. And this condition is fraught with fatal consequences.

Therefore it is quite understandable that the varicose veins need to be treated. And begin treatment as soon as possible. Next, consider the methods of treatment of this serious disease.

Treatment treatment

In the complex therapy of varicose veins necessarily apply medication. It's usually capsules or tablets that they have on the body all-round action. In particular:

  • A special means. These funds increase the flow of blood, highlights the development of thrombosis, and at the same time increase the tone of the vascular wall. To remove varicose veins such preparations will not work, but remove the swelling of the feet, to eliminate the burning sensation and pain them quite a force.
  • Medication that thins the blood. These medications thin the blood and contribute to better her circulation, highlights the development of thrombosis.
  • The Anti-inflammatories. These include pills, ointments, and gels which eliminate the pain, eliminate swelling and prevents the sticking of blood platelets. But what is even more important, these drugs warn of inflammation of the veins, which leads to the thrombophlebitis.

Stockings and tights from varicose veins

The fair sex are faced with varicose veins much more often men. To a large extent it is related to hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body (menopause, pregnancy). This is the reason why the best way to prevent varicose veins for them is to wear special stockings or tights. This is a compression garment squeezes the legs and prevents the expansion of the veins, and therefore, it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. And in case you already developed the disease, it is underwear protects legs from the pain, swelling and fatigue.

treatment of spider veins


Treatment of varicose veins water known from time immemorial. Under the influence of different temperatures of the vein to constrict and dilate, which helps to increase their flexibility. He knew that the modern doctors use hydrotherapy in the early stages of the development of varicose veins when the skin only began to appear vascular mesh. In addition, depending on the existing problems, the tub can be local (only for the feet) or common (for whole body). The temperature of the water in such a bath ranges from 20 to 40 °C.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

In the complex treatment of varicose veins can even use non-traditional methods. Here are a few examples.

Potato juice

The affected veins have morning, afternoon and evening lubricate freshly squeezed potato juice, and apply on the night bandages with a bandage dipped in this juice. In addition to the 3 p/day is necessary to drink 100 ml of potato juice. Treat varicose veins this agent should be 3-4 months.

Apple cider vinegar

His so-called "device number 1" from varicose veins, and all because of that apple cider vinegar improves blood circulation, strengthens the vascular wall and increases the tone of the skin. Apply this very simple: 2-3 p/day have to delete them vinegar the skin in the area of the affected veins. But in parallel it is necessary to drink a glass of water, in which was divorced 1 hr. liter. vinegar. Duration of treatment is 2 months.

The leaves of kalanchoe

This is another effective remedy for fighting with the enlargement of the veins. Fill the floor l bottle of crushed leaves of kalanchoe half, and pour the raw materials 40% rubbing alcohol to the bottle proved to be complete. Dove of the car and allowed to stand in a dark place for a week, strain and use the tincture for the grating of the affected sites 2 p/day. The procedures should be supplemented by a light massage of the veins. Takes such treatment for 4 months.

The bark of the willow

Good help in the fight against the ongoing disease become baths from the bark of the white willow. For such a procedure is necessary to grind the peel, after that 2 articles where such raw pour 400 ml of water and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Finished the resource to add to the bucket with water, then lower the leg and hold for 30 minutes. And right after the procedure, wearing compression stockings and give my feet a rest. Perform the procedures should be during the day for a period of 3 months. By the way, to enhance the effect of decoction of willow bark can be diluted with a decoction of oak bark.

All the listed methods are an excellent means of prevention of this disease and have a good help in the treatment of varicose veins in an early stage of the disease. In practice, however, shows that in 80% of cases, the person with the affected veins turn to your doctor already running disease. In such a situation, even compression underwear, or creams and ointments, or folk remedies, are not able to influence the development of the disease. Are the necessary fundamental measures. The good of modern medicine is ready to offer effective methods of the solution of this complex problem.


This is a non-invasive method of struggle with varicose veins in which a doctor using a thin needle introduced into the affected vein special substance. This is the substance holding together the vein from the inside, thereby to dissolve and blood circulation, starts to go through the healthy veins. Number of visits after the introduction of sclerosant may vary depending on the severity of the lesions. And throughout the course of treatment, the patient must wear compression underwear.


As a result of such treatment of people virtually forever forgets to varicose veins. Only in 25% of cases appear to relapse, and are typically associated with the running of the disease. True it is worth it to understand that sclerotherapy is not performed in pregnant women and persons with obesity.

Laser treatment

This is one of the most advanced achievements of medicine, which allows you to get rid of varicose veins without surgery. Radiation, which generates a laser, "solder" the affected veins from the inside, fastening adding to its height and the cutting out of the path of movement of blood, which begins to go deeper veins. Over time the glue container to form the connective tissue that subsequently resolved.

This way of solving problems is more effective than sclerotherapy. It less traumatic, the surgery takes no longer than 40 minutes, and the patient can leave the clinic literally over 2 hours after surgery. It is not surprising that the same treatment varicose veins laser the so-called "office surgery". When this cuts to the skin must only do when the solution of large veins, then there are small varicose veins removed without damage to the tissue. Worth it just to realize that the cost of such operations is quite high.

Radiofrequency ablation

Recently in our country began to practice the most advanced method of removal of the affected veins, which got the name of the radiofrequency ablation. Apply it for the treatment of backbone of the main veins affected by varicose veins. In this case, through a puncture in the skin in the affected veins injected radio frequency catheter, that is using microwaves to "cook" the vein from the inside. And the catheter has sensors that allow to monitor the efficiency of the performed procedures.

This method can create a decent competition to laser treatment, because it also does not require incisions on the skin, leaves no bruising and takes place literally in 30 minutes. On the day of surgery the patient can return to their duties. However, the cost of such a procedure, is high even compared with laser coagulation.

Surgical removal of the

It is important to note that in the case of eczema, thrombophlebitis, as well as venous leg ulcers, the treatment of the above mentioned methods is not possible. Remove running on the varices, it is possible only surgically, by removing the vein. However, this is not so critical. In the arsenal of modern doctors are available microsurgical methods that allow you to remove the diseased vienna through one small incision, and the scars after the procedure is simply to remain. In addition, the new technologies allow to remove painful veins literally for 30-40 minutes.

Fear of varicose veins is not necessary. On the contrary, the disease requires careful attention to each other, and the sooner, the better. Early detection and properly chosen method of treatment will allow without problems to eliminate disease and live a full life.